I was shopping for whiteboards at a certain store that will remain nameless. I took the first board off the shelf with no problems. When I went to get the second board the box hadn't been taped shut and it slid out of the box and landed on my big toe. Now you might never have had a whiteboard fall from a height and land on your toe. Let me tell you that it hurts! It hurts to the extent that I had to control myself from yelling (for a good 4 or 5 mins).
I struggled to walk to the counter to purchase my goods. I struggled to drive my car back to work. I feared the worst - that the toe was broken. I have previously broken it by kicking the weighted end of a boxing bag. When I got back to the office I found an icepack, took of my shoe & sock and discovered that my toenail was already turning a lovely bluey purple colour....great!
Its been sore all afternoon but I was eager to go for a run and test my toe. It felt ok....so I'm really hoping its not broken, just bruised (although its kinda throbbing now). My achilles was causing me more trouble than the toe....but I have physio on that again tomorrow.
So as long as I can keep clear of whiteboards and other dangerous office stationary I will hopefully be all go for the huntly half next weekend.
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