Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"Adult Improvement Classes"

I figure if I'm going to make myself Kayak down the Waimakariri river then the very first thing I need to do is be able to swim. Swimming and I have never got along too well....don't get me wrong - I love the water - I was just never too good at the floating part when I was a kid. I remember we used to have 'swim week' at my primary school. And while all my friends were swimming with each other and doing lengths and learning to dive, I was with the little kids learning to float!

I did swimming lessons for a while in intermediate school and they really helped, but like anything practice makes permanent and I have not practiced swimming for a very long time.

So tonight I had my first 'adult improvement class' where one instructor is trying to help 6 people all at varying levels of competency improve themselves. I did ok...I didn't swallow too much water and managed to almost swim a whole length.

I have much improving to do. I feel slightly embarrassed that at my age my swimming capabilities are so sucky, but then I think "at least I'm doing something about it". I think what will make next weeks lesson would be if I didn't eat two chit chats and a cheese and tomato sandwich on the way to the pool!!

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