Monday, March 7, 2011


I was surfing the net the other nite and began following a number of different people & organizations on Twitter & signed up to a few newsletters. Well this morning I got an email from with their weekly newsletter. While reading it I discovered that there is a FREE running group that meet at ADIDAS Newmarket every Tues at 6pm for a 5 km, 7 km or 10 km run. So as much as I sometimes red going along to things where I don't know anyone, I went. It was a warm night for a run and my only goal was to run it nonstop so I could give myself a starting time on which to improve on. I managed it apart from having to pause for about 10 sec to read the map as I was getting a bit lost...the runners in front of me had gone out of sight. So my time was 34min 34 sec.... Pretty slow but it's a good start - because I actually got out there and ran! I have come to the realization that for the next 11 months subway cookies can no longer be my friend!
I'm looking forward to the girls on top running group on Thursday nite...and Feb 2012!

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