Tuesday, August 21, 2007

what was I thinking!

So I've slept on it overnight and for a brief moment this morning wondered what on earth I have gotten myself into. There are so many moments of choice I will face over the next 18 months and I know some of them aren't going to be pretty.

I went back to the gym today after weeks off. Decided to weigh myself so I have a starting point. Don't tell anyone....I am 74.8kg which is within the healthy weight range for my height (the higher end, but still within) But there is certainly a 'winter coat' for me to lose in the process.

I decided to start small with the exercise since I'd had such a big break. 25 mins on the bike then 25 on the treadmill...walked uphill rather than running. It was a good reminder of what lies ahead of me, and what I will be leaving behind.

So AJ and I are going to do the old 'skype' thing to keep in touch.

I'll be taking a before photo but might not post if for a while (at least not until I have seen some changes).

So tomorrow will be a new day and a new challenge

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